Monday, August 25, 2014

Depression Awareness

Recently, over 1000 people in the nail community joined together for one day to bring awareness to depression. I think we have all heard about the very sad untimely death of Robin Williams, a very beloved comedian and tv star. Not many people don't know who he is and even fewer have never seen his talents. I grew up watching him on Mork and Mindy and later he played the loveable genie in Aladdin and the lead woman in Mrs. Doubtfire. Everything he touched turned to laughs. But as it turns out, he himself suffered from depression. It shows that no amount of money or fame can protect people from this horrible disease, also deemed a silent killer. Most people suffering form this don't tell anyone from fear of being ridiculed or told its all in their heads. I know, Ive been there and am still not completely away from it. I have my bad days but it gets better too. There are signs that people can look for in friends and loved ones but I have always believed that a huge way to help is just to be a nicer person, to everyone. I know firsthand how much it can mean to be on the receiving end of a smile, to hear a nice hello from a stranger, to get a pat on the back, a door held open....the list goes on and on. I think all of us, myself included, could gain alot from paying it forward by means of kindness. I know this isn't a fix for everything but people often don't know what to do to help and I don't have all the answers but I do know this can make a difference in someones day and life. For those of you still fighting it, please, talk to someone you can trust, let your loved ones know what you are feeling and going through. Talk to your doctor or priest. It helps to get things off your chest. If you feel you have no one to turn to, I am listing phone numbers below you can call anonymously and talk to professionals who can help or just listen if thats what you need. Please don't hesitate to let someone be there for you. You ARE worth it and mean more than you think to the people who love you and care about you.

The numbers:
Depression Hotline: 1-888-771-5166
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-2433

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