Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My Nail Care Routine

I get asked ALOT if these are my natural nails. I am happy to say that indeed they are. I put alot of time and maintenance into keeping my nails at their very best, polished or not. I know that everyone's nails are different but I thought I'd take a few minutes and tell you what products I use and what I do to keep my nails healthy.

I always start by scrubbing them with Nail Aid Whitening Paste. I do this at least once a week. I let it sit on my nails for about 5 minutes then rinse of with soap and warm water.

Usually, once a month, I use Sally Hansen Cuticle Remover and push back my dead cuticles. This stuff works super fast, 1 minute, and does an excellent job. After one minute, I push my cuticle back then use a cuticle nipper to get any DEAD cuticle left behind. Never cut into live cuticle at the base of your nail!

This is probably the most important step in anyone's nail care routine. Cuticle oil. I use Beauty Secrets found at Sally's Beauty Supply but there are so very many ones out there. You can even make your own. Check YouTube for countless recipes. Even if you only do the most minimal of manicures, please do not skip this step. Your nails and cuticles depend so much on moisture to stay healthy. I have some in every room of my house, even in my purse. Just massage it into your cuticles several times a day or whenever it crosses your mind. This increases blood flow and aids in the strength and growth of your nails.

My go to basecoat is Kiss Growth Activator. This works wonders on speeding up the growth of my nails. I use it before every single polish.

My topcoat of choice is INM Out The Door Fast Drying Topcoat. This stuff is so super fast! Dries in a matter of minutes, even the wet polish underneath. I do my manis at night and usually go to bed right after. I haven't had sheet marks in a long time, thanks to this.

Like I said above, I know that all nails are different and my routine and/or products will not work for everyone but I hope this helps someone out there struggling to get healthier nails.


All products in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use. I am in no way being compensated by these companies for this post.

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